Saturday, September 26, 2009

We're Approved!!!!!!

Dear Family and Friends (and family & friends of family & friends),

As many of you know, we had such a hard time when I was pregnant with Gavin, that we have decided to adopt. We both feel our family is not yet complete. We started our paperwork for adoption in June of this year and have just been approved! YEAH!! We are asking for your prayers and assistance. Since our chances of adopting increase with exposure, we want to tell you about Designated Adoption. Designated adoption is when the birthparents and adoptive parents find each other through a third party. That is where you come in! WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP?

Forward this email to everyone in your address book. If you have a blog (Blogger, Typepad, Facebook, Myspace, ect.) copy and paste this email to a post.
Link our Internet profiles on your blog accounts. or
Bookmark our online profile(s) for future reference.
Have our pass-along cards with you at all times ( we will be mailing these out soon!).
If you know of a woman who is thinking about placing her baby for adoption, or doesn't quite know what to do, please give her one of our pass-along cards or our web address. You could also post our cards on bulletin boards wherever you think a potential birth mother or someone she knows might see them. (Dorms or Collage Campus)
Create a signature line at the bottom of your emails that has our web address included (see example below.) This serves as a constant reminder of our hope to adopt. Our friends are hoping to adopt!
Check them out! or

We are always willing to talk about our adoption and give you more information, feel free to ask anytime. You or the potential birth parents may contact us or our caseworker Brad Singletary at LDS Family Services at anytime to request more information. Thank you in advance for all your help as well as your love and support.
With love,
Ryan, Nicole, and Gavin

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Mount Charleston

Gavin playing in the meadow

The boys laughing at Ryan

We went to Mount Charleston with my family last weekend. It was great fun. The kids had fun running around and they even went on a snipe hunt! ( I know that's kinda mean to send them on a fake hunt , but they had a lot of fun!) :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Rainforest Cafe and the lions

We decided we wanted to have a really fun day last weekend and went to MGM to go to Rainforest cafe and to see the lions. I thought Gavin would love it... We got there and were seating next to the big gorillas. Gavin loves animals but gorillas are not his favorite so he was already nervous when we sat down. Every few minutes though the gorillas would move and make noises. The first time this happened, Gavin started crying and jumped over me screaming, "Gavin freaking out!!!" The whole table was laughing hysterically. Gavin was fine after a few minutes and I think he actually ended up having fun.

Next we went to see the lions. They were not that great since all they did was sleep. But they did have baby lions- we thought those were pretty cute!!

Sunset Park fun!

Gavin loves ducks- so we took him to feed to ducks at Sunset Park. He thought it was hilarious. When we ran out of bread, he then turned his attention to chasing off all the pigeons. They, however, were not to scared and kept coming back. Gavin thought it was a great game!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009