Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Gavin watching to parade

My sister Carrie and her daughter Rhiley

Ryan, Gavin, and me

Gavin and Emma waiting to go in......
This year for Christmas, instead of giving presents with my family, we all went to Disneyland. There were a lot of us and it made it so much fun. I think one of Gavin's favorite parts was the parade where he got to see some of his favorite characters- Tow Mater and Lightning McQueen from Cars.


This year for Thanksgiving, we went to Ryan's brother's house. We even had some family come in from Utah. We had lots of great food and a lot of fun, too! The kids stayed busy playing with each other and got along fabulously! Thanks Eric and Amy for a great time!


Gavin and his cousins: Cohen, Emma, Hudson, and Hannah

Me and Ryan

Monday, November 16, 2009


Ryan on the mechanical bull

Us in front of the biggest horse I've ever seen- It weighed over 2200 lbs!

The bull- Gavin wanted to ride it so we stayed far away!

On Halloween, we TRIED to go to the Shark Reef, but the line was over an hour long so we left and found some sort of rodeo thing that was going on in the parking lot. We are not rodeo people, but we thought we would show Gavin and his cousins the animals. Ryan and some of my family rode the mechanical bull, and we saw some enormous horses!

Pumpkin Carving Party

Gavin and Grandma with Mike's silly pumpkin
the finished products

carving with daddy
We had a pumpkin carving party at Ryan's brother's house the week before Halloween. We had a great time, and ended up with some silly pumpkins. Thanks Eric and Amy!!

McKee Ranch

My niece Rhiley looking at the horses
Gavin and Ryan petting a horse
Gavin riding his pony! He loved it!

Before Halloween, we went to a little ranch by our house. Gavin got to ride a pony, pet and feed some horses, play with some toys and goats, and go on a hay ride. At the end of our day, we got to take home a pumpkin. It was cheesy but fun! :)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Don't let the adoption tax credit go away!!


Private and independent domestic adoptions can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $40,000, and expenses for intercountry adoptions generally total between $7,000 and $40,000. Domestic adoptions out of foster care are typically much less expensive, usually costing the adoptive parent $2,500 or less.

Congress introduced the Adoption Promotion and Stability Act in 1996 to “help families defray adoption costs.”

Unfortunately, while the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act (EGTRRA) made the adoption tax credit permanent, the provisions which raised the amount that adoptive families can claim and increased the income eligibility phase-out range will sunset on December 31, 2010. Thus, beginning in 2011, the amount adoptive parents will be able to claim under the adoption tax credit will revert to the pre-EGTRRA levels of $6,000 per special needs child and $5,000 per non-special needs child. Additionally, adoptive families reporting $75,000-$115,000 in annual adjusted gross income will again be restricted in the amount they can claim, and those reporting more than $115,000 in annual adjusted gross income will again be prohibited from claiming the tax credit at all. Several bills have been introduced in Congress to repeal the sunset and make the EGTRRA reforms of the adoption tax credit permanent.

At the center of this debate is a recent Treasury Report which found that parents who adopted children internationally account for a disproportionately large number of adoption tax credit recipients, while parents who adopted children from foster care represent a disproportionately small number. More specifically, international adoptions accounted for 34 percent of all adoptions supported by the tax credit despite making up only 15 percent of all adoptions in the United States, while domestic adoptions out of foster care made up 18 percent of adoptions supported by the tax credit despite making up nearly 40 percent of all adoptions in the United States. This finding has led some to claim that the adoption tax credit is not fulfilling a primary goal of promoting domestic adoptions out of foster care. Some advocates have suggested that the federal government should therefore eliminate the adoption tax credit and redistribute the funds saved to other pro-adoption programs.

The Adoption Promotion and Stability Act of 1996 had two purposes, first among which was “to defray adoption costs for families seeking to adopt” by establishing the adoption tax credit. The bill made no distinction between adoptions out of foster care and any other type of adoption.

Increasing subsidies to adoptive parents has been one of the most effective ways of boosting the adoption rate.

Most importantly, the EGTRRA provisions to the adoption tax credit due to expire in 2011 should be made permanent.

For 2009, the maximum adoption credit has increased to $12,150. This amount is phased out if your modified adjusted gross income is between $182,180 and $222,180. You cannot claim the credit or exclusion if your modified AGI is $222,180 or more.

For information on Special Needs Adoption Tax Credit for 2009 go to North American Council on Adoptable Children.

To take the credit or exclusion, complete Form 8839 (PDF), Qualified Adoption Expenses, and attach the form to your Form 1040 (PDF) or Form 1040A (PDF).

See irs.gov (topic 607 adoption credit)

“The Adoption Tax Relief Guarantee Act of 2009, H.R. 213.” Written to repeal the sunset of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 with respect to the expansion of the adoption credit and adoption assistance programs. This legislation will make the tax credit permanent. Unless legislation is passed, the Federal adoption tax credit that allows many adopting families to take a credit of up to $12,150 (2009) is scheduled to expire in December 2010. (For information on other legislation involving adoption go to adoptioncouncil.org/policy/fed_leg.html.)

Help Make the Current Federal Adoption Credit Permanent by Writing to your Representative

Here is how:

Find the name and Washington, D.C. mailing address of your Representative and Senators at www.congress.org. To find e-mail addresses, click through to the Senator’s or Congressperson’s Web site.

Next, log on to THOMAS (Library of Congress) to find out whether your Congresspersons are already co-sponsors of the legislation. Here is how:

On the THOMAS opening page, under “Search Bill Summary and Status,” search by bill number for H.R. 213. Then click on “Bill summary and Status.”

On the page that comes up, click on “Cosponsors,” “Text of Legislation,” or “All Congressional Actions” to follow the progress of the bill.

If your representatives have not signed on as co-sponsors of the bill, send them your request that they do so. Tell them how important the tax credit was to you when you adopted your children, or how much you and other families you know are counting on it to be available in the future.

Act today, your efforts make a difference.

Taken from the R house blog

Friday, October 16, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Posing for a picture with the pumpkins

Gavin and his cousin Jack on the swings at the Pumpkin Patch- He loved them!

Going down the big slide with Daddy

Gavin and his cousin Dylan on the boat swing- He's getting to be such an adventurer!

We went to the pumpkin patch, as is tradition, last weekend. Gavin graciously posed for a picture after being bribed by rides! :) He loved the rides and the little petting zoo they had. He had so much fun, he tried to keep getting back in line for rides when we were trying to leave saying, "Get more tickets, Mommy. Want to bounce!"

Saturday, September 26, 2009

We're Approved!!!!!!

Dear Family and Friends (and family & friends of family & friends),

As many of you know, we had such a hard time when I was pregnant with Gavin, that we have decided to adopt. We both feel our family is not yet complete. We started our paperwork for adoption in June of this year and have just been approved! YEAH!! We are asking for your prayers and assistance. Since our chances of adopting increase with exposure, we want to tell you about Designated Adoption. Designated adoption is when the birthparents and adoptive parents find each other through a third party. That is where you come in! WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP?

Forward this email to everyone in your address book. If you have a blog (Blogger, Typepad, Facebook, Myspace, ect.) copy and paste this email to a post.
Link our Internet profiles on your blog accounts.
https://www.itsaboutlove.org/ial/profiles/23424000/ourMessage.jsf or http://www.ryanandnicole09.blogspot.com/
Bookmark our online profile(s) for future reference.
Have our pass-along cards with you at all times ( we will be mailing these out soon!).
If you know of a woman who is thinking about placing her baby for adoption, or doesn't quite know what to do, please give her one of our pass-along cards or our web address. You could also post our cards on bulletin boards wherever you think a potential birth mother or someone she knows might see them. (Dorms or Collage Campus)
Create a signature line at the bottom of your emails that has our web address included (see example below.) This serves as a constant reminder of our hope to adopt. Our friends are hoping to adopt!
Check them out! http://www.ryanandnicole09.blogspot.com/ or

We are always willing to talk about our adoption and give you more information, feel free to ask anytime. You or the potential birth parents may contact us or our caseworker Brad Singletary at LDS Family Services at anytime to request more information. Thank you in advance for all your help as well as your love and support.
With love,
Ryan, Nicole, and Gavin

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Mount Charleston

Gavin playing in the meadow

The boys laughing at Ryan

We went to Mount Charleston with my family last weekend. It was great fun. The kids had fun running around and they even went on a snipe hunt! ( I know that's kinda mean to send them on a fake hunt , but they had a lot of fun!) :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Rainforest Cafe and the lions

We decided we wanted to have a really fun day last weekend and went to MGM to go to Rainforest cafe and to see the lions. I thought Gavin would love it... We got there and were seating next to the big gorillas. Gavin loves animals but gorillas are not his favorite so he was already nervous when we sat down. Every few minutes though the gorillas would move and make noises. The first time this happened, Gavin started crying and jumped over me screaming, "Gavin freaking out!!!" The whole table was laughing hysterically. Gavin was fine after a few minutes and I think he actually ended up having fun.

Next we went to see the lions. They were not that great since all they did was sleep. But they did have baby lions- we thought those were pretty cute!!

Sunset Park fun!

Gavin loves ducks- so we took him to feed to ducks at Sunset Park. He thought it was hilarious. When we ran out of bread, he then turned his attention to chasing off all the pigeons. They, however, were not to scared and kept coming back. Gavin thought it was a great game!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

Birthday Cake!

Gavin had a Mickey Mouse Party. We went swimming, he got lots of cool presents and then there was the cake. It had blue trim around it so everyone left with blue mouths and lips- some of the kids even had blue chins. :)

Gavin's Birthday!

I can't believe he's 2!!! Part of his birthday present was Disneyland... he got a cool birthday pin to wear.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

All of us going on the Winnie the Pooh ride

Andrew, Gavin, and Jack with Pooh's honey pots

Gavin, Grandma, and "Chicken Dale"

Friday, August 7, 2009


Last week, we took Gavin to Disneyland for his birthday. He had so much fun! I think he liked seeing the characters most. We met Mickey, Minnie, and "Chicken Dale" aka Chip and Dale. He loved to rides too. Shelly, Jack, Andrew and my mom came too. Gavin thought it was hilarious that they were in the same hotel as us (we got a suite) and he would not go to sleep! It was so quiet and out of no where Gavin started singing a song he learned at story time called Bubble Gum. But in his sweet little voice he was singing "Buggle Gum Buggle Gum..." Soon the whole room was laughing.

Here we are almost two weeks later and everyday we have the same conversation: "Mommy, guess what" "What Gavin?" "Disneyland!!"

I think our trip was a hit!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


We went to get Gavin's two year old pictures done and a new family picture. I wanted to spend like $20. I ended up spending a whole lot more than that!! I couldn't help it though..look how cute he is!!!

"Kiss mine butt"

Today while I was changing Gavin's diaper. He told me his butt hurt ( he does not like getting his butt wiped!) Whenever anything hurts on him, he wants me to kiss it better. So he tells me. "Mommy, butt hurts- kiss it." Of course I started laughing- he didn't get it though so he continues to yell, "Mommy, kiss mine butt!!" So here is my not yet 2 year old telling me to kiss his butt.... I can't wait for the teenage years!