Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I love this quote...

This quote was on the wall at the Aquarium. I loved it... I often wish I could see things through a child's eyes... I hope my kids will be able to keep some of the "magic" in life alive in them forever.

Salt Lake!!!

A couple weeks ago, we got to go to Salt Lake for a few days for my nephew Tyson's baptism. We had such a great time. Here are some pictures from the Aquarium there.

Me and Gavin looking at the penguins
Gavin posing for a picture

My sister Shelly with her kids Andrew and Jack

Andrew, Emma, Gavin, Jack, and Tyson looking at the fish

Monday, April 12, 2010

Our little Garden

Our Finished Product
Gavin posing in front of the planter

Ryan planting the watering system
In an effort to eat more "organic" fruits and vegetables this year, we are trying our not so green thumbs at gardening. Ryan and his dad made this planter box one afternoon and then we spent the next evening planting away. So far we have corn, tomatoes, carrots, squash and zucchini starting to grow! We are so excited!!